Monday, March 02, 2009


The only thing I really bake is ziti. I've spent a lot of time in the kitchen, and certainly some in front of the oven, but what I've learned fall into two basic concepts:

1. Get to know your oven. Not only does it make food taste good, but it's a finicky thing. When recipes say 350, that might be 325 or 400 on yours. There's no secret, you just have to try. And so I suggest starting out easy, with things like Mac and Cheese, baked ziti, potatoes, and other veggies.

2. Read the recipe. I usually don't spend a lot of time hovering over recipe books but when the oven is involved, I tend to stay close to the page. The difference of a few degrees may make or break your meal, so before the guests arrive make sure you've experimented.

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